Jason Miles, Candidate for Member of the Legislative Assembly

As a person with Christian conservative values, I am driven by a sincere commitment to our community's values and prosperity. 

With a passion for the growth and well-being of our region, I am dedicated to advocating for policies that promote expansion and opportunity for all residents.

My love for our region fuels my determination to represent the local people effectively in the state parliament, ensuring our voices are heard and our needs prioritised.

With integrity, faith, and a genuine desire for progress, I am well-equipped to champion our collective interests at the highest levels of government.

Jason Miles Stop the Digital ID Rally Brisbane

Why i'm running as an independant

Jason's Story

Born into a challenging environment, I have weathered life's storms with resilience, emerging as a steadfast advocate for truth, integrity, authenticity, humility, and service. These core values have shaped my journey, guiding me through adversity and illuminating the path towards meaningful contribution. With a deep-seated commitment to serving others, including being a health and wellness coach, I've cultivated a spirit of empathy and compassion that fuels my desire to uplift those around me.

I lived in Wondai during my teens with my parents, who owned the Cosy Del Café. We operated 7-days a week, 14 hours a day to serve our local community and people travelling through the region. I have fond memories of my time living in the region, playing first grade cricket at a young age and scoring my first hundred at age 16. My friends and I  explored the region and I have great memories of places such as Kinbombi Falls, Bjelke Peterersen Dam, Bunya State Forest, Benarkin State Forest, as well as camping in Jimna State Forest. 

As a collaborative leader, I've championed the importance of collective effort and mutual respect, harnessing the diverse strengths of teams to achieve shared objectives. Whether in the boardroom or on the  frontline, I've fostered open communication and a spirit of cooperation, facilitating innovation and driving sustainable growth. Central to my professional ethos has been a commitment to coaching and mentoring, guiding others on their journey towards personal and professional fulfillment. Through one-on-one guidance and group workshops, I've imparted knowledge, honed skills, and instilled confidence in those I've had the privilege to mentor.

Eager to make a tangible difference in my community, I am drawn to collaboration with the local councillors of the Nanango electorate. Recognising the importance of effective representation at both state and local levels, I am dedicated to  ensuring that the voices of our community are heard and valued. I will achieve this by conducting “town  hall” meetings every four months if elected. By fostering strong partnerships and promoting transparent communication, I aim to facilitate positive change that resonates at the grassroots level.

My experiences have instilled in me a profound appreciation for the power of collective action and the importance of bridging divides to achieve common goals. Through genuine engagement and a commitment to inclusivity, I aspire to cultivate a sense of unity and belonging within the Nanango electorate. Together with fellow community members and local leaders, I am determined to forge a path forward that reflects our shared values and aspirations, fostering a brighter future for generations to come.